Arquà Petrarca | Laghetto Costa
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The lakeside settlement of Laghetto della Costa lied on the shores of a large lake fed by underground springs of Colli Euganei hills. The large quantity of artefacts found in the pile dwelling at Arquà, mainly pottery, objects in bone and horn and worked stone, document the lengthy duration of the settlement, from the start of the Early Bronze Age to the start of the Late Bronze Age. The footed bowls with corded decorations, characteristic traces of the Copper Age, indicate the first phase of the site. The most significant phases, however, date from the Early and the Middle Bronze Age (2200-1300 BC). The many oval and truncated-conical goblets in black pottery date back to this period.
Frühe - Späte Bronzezeit
Laghetto della Costa
4 m.ü.N.N.
Größe Fundstelle 1,56 ha / ca. 2 Fussballfelder
Größe Pufferzone 6,59 ha / ca. 9 Fussballfelder
Besonderheiten & Highlights
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Recent archaeological surveys and a review of excavation reports from the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries show that the town was subdivided into multiple settlement nuclei and delimited at least in part by a fence.

Aktuelle Aktivitäten
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Ongoing protection action and enhancement activities.
Pfahlbauten hautnah
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A special section is dedicated to the archaeological material from the UNESCO sites of Laghettodella Costa in the Museo Nazionale Atestino di Este museum.
Museo Nazionale d'Atestino
Via Guido Negri, 9/c - 35042 Este (Padova)
39 0429 2085
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