Meilen | Rorenhaab
Short Description
This site was first recorded and described in 1854, by the pioneering pile dwelling researcher, Ferdinand Keller. Its rich and deep stratigraphy of cultural sediments is an excellent archive of pre-history across many epochs. Rorenhaab also belongs to a micro-region that includes several other sites, and offers us new insights into ancient settlement patterns and dynamics.
Neolithic / Bronze Age
3rd - 1st millenium B.C.
Lake Zürichsee
404 m.a.s.l
Size of the site 0,7 ha / approx. 1 soccer pitch
Size of the bufferzone 4,8 ha / approx. 7 soccer pitches
Special Features & Highlights
Origin of the pile dwelling research in Switzerland

Current Activities
Renewal of the protection measures.
Pile Dwellings up close
Ortsmuseum Meilen
Kirchgasse 14
8706 Meilen
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