Bodman- Ludwigshafen | Bodman Schachen
Short Description
The exact date of the site’s discovery is not known, but it was sometime between 1854 and 1866. A. Ley writes in his journal, that he made the first archaeological finds a few years prior to 1866. The abundance of prehistoric artifacts prompted the Karlsruhe Antiquities Association, around the turn of the century, to commission scientific excavations to be performed by K. Schumacher. Schumacher was the first to graphically document the sediment profiles and archaeological layers of his excavations. These documents are the earliest of their kind in the study of pile dwellings around the Bodensee. During the years of 1982-1984, 1986 and 1996, the site was systematically explored by archaeological divers of the Baden-Württemberg Department of Antiquities and Monuments.
Neolithic / Bronze Age
2666 B.C. and 1646 - 1503 B.C.
Lake of Constance (Überlinger See)
394 m.a.s.l.
Size of the site 5,3 ha / approx. 7 soccer pitches
Size of the bufferzone 14,1 ha / approx. 20 soccer pitches
Special Features & Highlights
The site has three well preserved settlement horizons from the Early Bronze Age, with artifacts from the “Singener Group” and the “Arbon Culture”. The site is unique in southern Germany and eastern Switzerland and is of high scientific value for the study of Bronze Age chronology.

Current Activities
The site is monitored and regularly inspected by the Department of Antiquities and Monuments.
Pile Dwellings up-close
A selection of objects is exhibited at the "Archäologisches Landesmuseum (ALM)" at Constance.
Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg (ALM)
Benediktinerpl. 5,
78467 Konstanz
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