Bolken / Inkwil | Inkwilersee Insel
Short description
Even though the site has been known since 1854, no large-scale excavations have ever been conducted. The most recent investigations carried out in 2022 showed that the archaeological layers on the island and the piles in the water around the island are still well-preserved. Based on the finds, settlement phases or at least phases of human presence are attributed to the Late Stone Age (Cortaillod and Corded Ware Cultures) to the Iron Age and the Roman period. However, the main phase of settlement is estimated to be in the Late Bronze Age (1200–800 BC).
"Pile Dwellings in Switzerland" © gsk.ch 2017 (updated 2022)
Bronze Age
2nd - 1st millenium BC
Lake Inkwil
462 m.a.s.l.
Size of the site 0,1 ha / approx. 1 big supermarket
Size of the bufferzone 45,71 ha / approx. 64 soccer pitches
Special features & highlights
A highlight of the site is a wooden sword for children from the Late Bronze Age.

Pile Dwellings up-close
The lake is a natural recreation area with walking paths around the area.
Archäologie im Pächterhaus
Museum Blumenstein
Blumensteinweg 12,
4500 Solothurn
to the website
Opening hours:
Tue – Sat: 2 -5 pm, Sun: 10am – 5pm