Alleshausen | Ödenahlen
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site is located 500 m south of the hamlet of Ödenahlen, in the northern marshlands of the Federsee. It was discovered in the 1930/40’s and was examined by the Baden-Württemberg Department of Antiquities and Monuments in 1981. The archaeological layer is up to one meter thick and encompasses several construction phases. The extremely well preserved deposits include structures of homes with their living floors, clay screed and hearths. A palisade surrounded the settlement.
3700-3688 av. J.-C.
580 m
Taille du site 1 ha / environ 1 terrain de foot
Taille du zone tampon 58,02 ha / environ 81 terrains de foot
Particularités & points forts
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
Ödenahlen is an important reference site for the “Pfyn-Althheimer-Gruppe-Upper Swabia”, because it is the site at which this Group was first identified.

Activités en cours
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site is located in the undeveloped natural preserve of the Federsee marchlands. The archaeological sediments are covered with peat, and the Department of Antiquities and Monuments monitors the site.
Découvrir les palafittes
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site can be visited. A selection of finds is part of the exhibition of the Federseemuseum, Bad Buchau
August-Gröber-Platz 2,
88422 Bad Buchau.
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