Sirmione (BS) | Lugana Vecchia
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The pile-dwelling settlement of Lugana Vecchiais situated on the eastern shore of the long, thin tongue of land that forms the Sirmione peninsula. The pile dwelling, known thanks to occasional finds during various dives in the nineteen-seventies,is thought to be situated about 100 metres from the shore and to measure 125 meters by 90 meters.The research made it possible to outline a settlement that probably had a central area (about 100 square meters) characterised by large piles, and another area, formed of smaller timber structures, perhaps supports for walkways linking the homes with the dry land.
Age du Bronze
2200 - 1200 av. J.C.
Lac de Garde
64 m.
Taille du site 2,58 ha / environ 4 terrains de foot
Taille du zone tampon 11,85 ha / environ 17 terrains de foot
Particularités & points forts
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
A group of objects, perhaps a deposit from a Middle Bronze Age foundry, was found in a specific area of the pile dwelling, beyond a series of piles with square holes and a heap of stones. Finds from the area include small copper ingots, rods, slag, waste and rejected pieces to be melted down, as well as awls and chisels used for finishing and decorating the final products.

Activités en cours
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The Museum of Desenzano organises educational activities around the pile dwelling theme.
Découvrir les palafittes
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
Museo Archeologico di Sirmione
Piazza OrtiManara, 4 · Sirmione (BS)
+39 030 916157
to the website
Museo Civico Archeologico„G. Rambotti“
Via Anelli, 42 · Desenzano del Garda (BS)
+39 030 9144529
MuseoArcheologico „G. Rambotti“ – Desenzano del Garda