Hitzkirch | Seematte
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
Along a stretch of about 500 meters of the Lake Baldegger shoreline, several Neolithic settlement remains have been discovered. In 1938, an extensive excavation project was conducted, that revealed a layer of the Cortaillod culture, with a thick packet of archaeological sediments. The dwellings of this settlement were constructed on the bare ground, and the rich material remains include lots of pottery and stone artefacts. Remains of organic materials are rare. Further diving prospecting resulted in the discovery of artifacts from the early and the classic Corailod culture, as well as from the Horgen culture and the Corded Ware culture. A single bronze sword was recovered. Probably a ritual deposit.
©gsk.ch / Guide "Les palafittes suisses" (2017)
4100 – 2500 av. J.-C.
Lac de Baldeggersee
463 m
Taille du site 2,81 ha / environ 4 terrains de foot
Taille du zone tampon 24,55 ha / environ 34 terrains de foot
Particularités & points forts
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The last excavation here took place in 1938. The entire site encompasses approximately twelve prehistoric villages. The wide extent of the settlement periods, as well as its location at the cultural border between eastern and the western Switzerland, make the site especially interesting for research.

Activités en cours
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The edge of the far side of the site is endangered by erosion. Regular inspections monitor the situation.
Découvrir les palafittes
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site is not visible. An information panel is installed near to the site.