Uhldingen- Muhlhofen | Unteruhldingen- Stollenwiesen
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site was discovered around 1864, in the shallow waters adjacent to the town of Unteruhldingen. Prompted by the extensive private collection of the Sulger family, H. Reinerth conducted the first archaeological diving expeditions in the 1950’s. The Baden-Württemberg Department of Antiquities and Monuments conducted a thorough assessment of the site and conducted diving surveys in the 1980’s and in 1998. Mapping and sampling of the pile field was undertaken in 2004 and 2011.
Néolithique / Age du Bronze
2900, 1600 et 973-850 av. J.-C.
Lac de Constance (Überlinger See)
392 m
Taille du site 4,22 ha / environ 6 terrains de foot
Taille du zone tampon 4,52 ha / environ 6 terrains de foot
Particularités & points forts
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site represents the most significant pile field of a highly fortified Late Bronze Age settlement around the Bodensee. Its special topographical location provided a favorable route for transport and communication across the lake. The site reveals three settlement phases and contains large quantities of artifacts, with numerous objects made of bronze metal.

Activités en cours
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
The site has to be secured by extensive anti-erosion measures. Markers for this purpose are set, and monitoring is conducted by the Department of Antiquities and Monuments.
Découvrir les palafittes
actuellement disponible uniquement en langue anglaise
There is an information point with multimedia installation at the site.
Südmole am Hafen in Unteruhldingen
88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen.
The Pfahlbauten Freilichtmuseum in Unteruhldingen has a selection of finds and further extensive information on the subject of pile dwellings.
und Forschungsinstitut
Strandpromenade 6
88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen,
Ortsteil Unteruhldingen
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