Freienbach | Hurden Seefeld
Short Description
The site is located on the Lake Obersee side, north-est of the peninsula of Freienbach Hurden, south of the crossing between Freienbach Hurden and Rapperswil. Discovered in 1998, it continues to yield finds dating from the early Horgen period and early Corded Ware Culture. The latter settlement had several phases, as shown by numerous timbers. A rare example of a dagger blade made of Grand Pressigny flint probably dates from one of these phases and highlights the importance of the settlement location in terms of traffic and transport. Stretching across 38,000 m2, the site is one of the larger pile dwelling settlements found to date.
4th - 3rd millenium B.C.
Lake Zürichsee
404 m.a.s.l
Size of the site 2,4 ha / approx. 3 soccer pitches
Size of the bufferzone 16,12 ha / approx. 22 soccer pitches

Current Activities
Protection measures and inventarisation