
Photomontage of the Lake Bande with the position of the settlement © MiBACT

  Cavriana (MN)  |     Bande - Corte Carpani

Short Description
The settlement of Bande di Cavriana, reported for the first time in 1878, was inhabited from the Early to the Late Bronze Age. Thanks to the waterlogged environment many of the wooden structures of the pile dwelling have been preserved quite well. The rich collection of pottery and tools, the presence of Nordic amber and faience, but above all the Brotlaibidole (‘enigmatic tablets’) confirm that interactions with othercultural areas of Central Europe took place. In 1970 a particularly interesting deposit of grape pips was found (at present an attempt is being made to identify the genome).Their concentration and the quantity suggest that they were used to make a fermented drink.

Bronze Age

Early- and Late Bronze Age

peat bog Cavriana

106 m.a.s.l.

Size of the site 7,32 ha / approx. 10 soccer pitches

Size of the bufferzone 36,39 ha / approx. 51 soccer pitches

Special Features & Highlights
Among the artefacts found at Bande di Cavriana are a loaf of bread dating back to 2006-1950 BC and some “enigmatic tablets” (Brotlaibidole)

Enigmatic tablet "Brotlaibidol" © MiBACT

Current Activity
Paleo-environmental and paleo-botanic research is currently carried out by Italian and foreign institutions. The museum Museo Archeologico dell’Alto Mantovano in Cavriana has a partial reconstruction of the pile dwelling on display.

Pile Dwellings up close
There are no visible structures, but a visitor’s route has been organised with informational signs about the area of natural interest, which makes it possible to imagine the area in ancient times and appreciate the local geomorphology.

Museo Archeologico dell’Alto Mantovano
Piazza Castello, 5
I – 46040 CAVRIANA (MN)
+39 0376 806330

Archaeological National Museum of Mantua
Piazza Paccagnini, 3 - 46100 Mantova
+39 0376 352100